Category Archives: Genny

Everyday gifts…

The other day, I was jotting down some notes in a notebook, when I turned the page and saw a little drawing from my daughter– a happy face with an “I love you” next to it. It was a cute surprise, and it made me smile.

It also made me pause and be grateful for the other little surprises–the little gifts–in my life. Sometimes, I go about my day and take for granted those gifts—a hug from my daughter, hearing my son laugh, spending time watching a movie with my husband, getting a card from a friend, or even finding a good parking space at the store.

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Detours, Detours…

The other day, as I was driving home, I came upon a detour in the road. I followed the orange signs, winding around a neighborhood I wasn’t familiar with, only to end up a few minutes later in the same spot I’d started.

I shook my head, sure I’d done something wrong, and headed into the detour again.

And ended up in the same place again.

I couldn’t figure it out. Could detour signs really be wrong, or was it me?

I watched other cars and realized that some of them were turning left instead of right like the sign said.

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Slow, Steady and Careful

“I’m scared you’re going to get hurt again,” my daughter told me a couple nights ago as I was tucking her into bed. Ever since I’d broken my arm and tore my knee at the beginning of the summer, she’s been concerned about me, constantly reminding me to wear my knee brace and walk slowly.

I promised her that I’d do everything I could to make sure I didn’t get hurt again. Then I kissed her on the forehead and started to leave her room.

“Mommy?” she asked before I got to the doorway.


“Be slow when you do things, okay?”

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Weathering the Storm

We have a saying in our house: “Heikkas don’t quit.” In fact, we have it written on our Heikka Family Creed, a document we’ve put together that lists our family values and things that are important to us. We’ve had our creed taped to the kids’ bedroom doors since they were about four and six, and both of them have it memorized.

A constant reminder about not quitting has been helpful when our kids have gotten discouraged with homework, sports, or any challenge they’ve faced. It’s been great to be able to talk to them about the fact that all good things are worth the hard work, and that just because something is difficult doesn’t mean you should give up.

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A Psalm to lean on…

I love the Psalms and the way that they’re so honest. So applicable. I love the way that they show so clearly a wide range of emotions and situations—joy, heartache, celebration, grief, health, sickness, faith, doubt, and many more.

No matter what you’re going through, or what you’re feeling, you can always find a Psalm that applies.

This past week, I was at a conference, away from home. One of the nights that I was there, I had a nightmare. I woke up frightened, heart pounding, and was instantly thankful that it had all only been a dream.

But as I tried to go back to sleep, a lingering feeling from the nightmare remained and left me feeling tense and worried.

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A Friend Loves

“A friend Loves at all times…” –Proverbs 17:17

This verse has really hit home for me lately. As a result of my recent injuries, I’ve been in a situation where I’ve needed help. And I’ve never appreciated my friends and family so much. The cards, phone calls, flowers, meals, and visits have meant more than I could’ve imagined.

I didn’t expect any of it.

And, to be honest, it was hard letting others help me at first. In fact, when friends started calling and offering meals, I was quick to answer, “That’s okay. We’re fine.”

But you know what?

They brought meals anyway.

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In My Weakness

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:19

In my last devotion, I talked about how I broke my arm, and the reminder that it gave me to appreciate each moment because we never know what’s around the corner. Little did I know, a few days after writing that, I’d be facing another unexpected trial…

One week after getting a cast on my arm, my knee popped out and I fell again, this time, tearing a muscle in my knee. I haven’t been able to walk since. And I can’t use crutches because of my arm cast.

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Life is Fragile, Handle with Care

Psalm 39:5-6

“…Each man’s life is but a breath.
Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro;
He bustles about, but only in vain…”

Boy was I reminded of that verse this week. Last Wednesday, when I was out watering flowers in our front yard, I slipped on the wet concrete and fell.

And broke my arm.

It was the first broken bone I’ve ever had. And, aside from the pain and the inconvenience of it, the experience was a good reminder of how fast things can happen in life.

And how quickly things can change.

Just a couple of hours earlier, I had been at the park talking to friends, waiting for my kids to get out of school.

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