Author Archives: Katharine Barrett

Katharine makes her home in Ontario, Canada where she shares life, and laughter with her husband and four children. She is on a journey with the God of the universe, discovering who she was created to be, and what it means to walk living loved, in everyday grace. Most days you can find her blogging through life, love, laughter, creativity, family and faith, at Just A Thought. Always listening for His heart and never without a cup of good coffee in a great mug!

Surprised by Joy!

The early morning sun is usually warm on my back while I search though the leaves and vines. It’s a contented feeling to harvest what we had hoped and waited for. Our garden seems to be overflowing at the moment. The tomatoes have synchronized turning from green to red, zucchini are abundant, and beans…oh the beans! They seem to grow overnight, and just  when I think they may be ending, along comes another round. They’re fresh, healthy and we’re grateful for the provision!


With the exception of tomatoes, (whose bright red beauty always catches my eye)I have to search for garden goodness.

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Summer Savour

The days are long, and that July heat wraps around us like a thick blanket! It makes us want to slow down, relax and enjoy all we can from this far too fleeting season. We know from experience, how quickly it picks up speed. Before we know it, we are trailing beach sand from our flip-flops while we cruise the latest have-to items in the back-to-school aisle!


Summer is for Savouring.


So before we have to  exchange our warm Summer days  list for the one with Fall items, can we add a few more things? These items may already be on our lists, but we might want to look at them in a new light…

Sand shovel –   For digging deeper.

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Rain, Rest and a Covering…

It’s one of those days when the sky is grey and heavy. It holds so much, and you know it will take all day to empty out. There’s the steady rhythm of raindrops falling on the skylight and it keeps time with the blackberry branches tapping against the fence. A symphony of  Spring.


It’s a rain-filled day, and I’m content. Unlike the months before this, I’m not anxious or worried. I don’t slip down in the dark of night to check the kitchen counters for dripping, or hold my breath when a storm arrives with unexpected fury.

Because they came.

The roofers.

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