My knees practically touch my chin as we sit in a rain drop of little chairs. That’s what we call it now, this circle made by their own 4 and 5 year-old hands. When one notices most of us funneled together on one end, she comments “We took the circle and made it better. We made a rain drop.”
We decide then to worship in the rain here every Sunday. And my cup overflows…
I can’t help but laugh when I think of how I prepared for this lesson. How I expected to teach them new discoveries. New words to use in everyday conversations. My how He must have smiled, knowing the plans He had in store for me.
In all honesty, the task of explaining the 10 Commandments to preschoolers scared me a bit. Let’s face it, I still struggle with a couple myself. Lately, though, I’ve seen them in a new light and was anxious to share my reasoning. But first they needed to know what the rules were and I was anticipating hurdling over each one.
The first couple we would fly through with ease, I was certain. Yet in an attempt to be thorough, I asked their bright eyes of wonder:
“What do you think Worship means?”
I fully expected simple answers I’ve heard countless times. But God was there that day. Speaking to me through these unfiltered eyes. With each response, my view began to match their wonder. And I became awestruck at how clearly they see something we grown-ups tend to muddle through.
“Helping my mom put the dishes away.”
“Being nice to my brother.”
“Dancing with Jesus.”
My lesson book folds closed on my lap. The tempo changes right then and there as I realize what’s happening: He’s speaking to me and I don’t want to miss a thing.
“But why do you think we worship?”
They all look at each other as if they know. Know the roles had been reversed. All eyes turn to the precious child in pink. The one who loves to dance. She meets my gaze. Her eyes twinkle as she says proudly:
“Because it makes God smile.”
Her friend, the one playing footsie with her in the raindrop, chimes in:
“Yeah. It’s how we give Him a hug.”
So this is what it means to become like a child. To enter into His presence with wide-eyed wonder. For they see everything in a language He understands. A dialect He created. One that describes Him to a ‘T’: The language of Love.
It’s all about love.
I left Sunday School that day with a spring in my step. Anticipating all the chances I’ll have in the coming week to dance with Jesus. To make God smile… Worship.
Friends, let’s seize our every-days and fill up our dance card. Let’s worship with abandon. Love relentlessly. Live like we have nothing to lose.
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. Hebrews 13:15
Let’s allow our actions to give Him a hug.
Claim our inner child.
It’s there.
Waiting to dance.
Who’s with me?
This is beautiful Nikki. I am joining you friend. I too want to give him a hug and dance with himcan you imagine how that would feel)? Blessings to you friend!
Thank you so much, Charina! What a joy that day will be! I’ll be considering this journey through life my dancing lessons : )
Love and hugs to you, friend!
Nikki, I loved this. Our 22 month old grandson just left to go home from a visit. We laughed and danced and praised Jesus. Pure joy. You are blessed to spend time with some very wise four and five year olds. Thanks for share their wisdom with us.
Oh it IS pure joy, Deb! How fun to delight in your grandson (what an adorable age, too!) And yes, I am blessed. I wouldn’t trade my time with these treasures for anything!
Thank you for sharing with me today, Deb. What a gift you are.
oh Nikki I did so love this post. How beautiful are the minds and thoughts of God’s precious children! “Dancing with Jesus and making Him smile. That is my prayer and desire for my own worship. My how you blessed my heart while reading this. Thanks,
Thank you so much, Joy, for stopping by and sharing with me! These kids bless me so…
Let’s try to put these words to practice this week together!
I love this. Psalm 149:3 ..let them worship his name with dance….
Thank you, Ivonne! I love that Psalm and am so grateful you added the exclamation point this post needed. Thank you!
Ok, I’m just happy to see that I’m not the only one who wants to dance with Jesus. Whew. And my dancing is sure to make God smile. Or laugh. Whatever 😉
Those kids are blessed to have you, Nikki!
Oh, I’m with you, Susan! My moves have to make Him smile 😉 I pray I never get over how those kids reveal my Redeemer to me…new every Sunday!
Thanks for stopping by today!
oh, my, the gift of a child’s wisdom, and for you to see and hear them..yes, to dancing with this…thank you, Nikki 🙂
Thank you, Dolly. I am awestruck at how vibrant He shows up in the eyes of His children…it’s worth striving for. Love and hugs to you, friend!
Thank you for this! As mama to a 5yo who loves to make Him smile, this just makes me smile. I think I’ll be paying more attention to her worship this week…
What a joy to watch your own child make Him smile! Such a blessing…trust you will savor it long and learn just as much from her as she does from you ; )
Hi, I’m here through Stacey’s blog and I’m so glad I came.
This is delightful, refreshing and touching.
Thank you so much for posting this.
Sue of photowannabe
I’m so thrilled you stopped by, Sue. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and share with me! Thank you…