Who Said Helping Others is Easy?

Jeri Stunkard

Today, as I was coming out of the pet food store a woman approached me asking for money. She said her car was at the Goodyear down the block. The water pump had gone out and she was stranded here. She was short some of the money to pay for the repairs and asked if I could help her.

I don’t remember where she was headed. To be shamefully honest, I was too busy trying to figure out in my head how to tell her “no”. I only had $20 in my purse and I didn’t want to part with it.

Now, before you think I am completely heartless, I have to tell you that I have never told anyone “no” who asked me for money in the past…ever! If you are a friend, family, or stranger, I have willingly given my money, if only the person asks. But for some reason I was holding tight to this twenty bucks as if I needed it for something really important. I was then reminded of these words: The Lord will provide what you need.

This woman was in need and asking for my help. Who am I not to help her? Why would I turn someone away in their time of need. Did Jesus turn anyone away when they came asking for His help?

So, I gave her the $20 in my purse.

“Life is not measured by how much you own.” Luke 12:15 NLT

I didn’t say anything to the woman as she took the money from me; partly because I didn’t know exactly what to say and partly because I was still thinking about myself. Later my thoughts did turn to her. How hard it must have been for that woman to ask strangers for help. What if it were me stranded? Would someone show me mercy? Or would they say “no” and go on about their day? Really, that $20 seems like such a small sacrifice on my part. But to her it was a huge blessing!

Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” Luke 11:28 NLT

That is really what it’s all about—living God’s word, taking the scripture to heart not just quoting it; truly listening to it; allowing it to speak to you and then acting on it. No one ever said it would always be easy. It’s takes practice…today, tomorrow, everyday.

As I was getting into my car the woman said, “God bless you.”

…And God bless you too, stranger. Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson today.

Written by Jeri Stunkard of Got 2 Have Faith

One Response to Who Said Helping Others is Easy?
  1. Amanda
    July 3, 2009 | 9:30 am

    Thanks so much for the great reminder of how the Lord views giving to strangers! I recently gave a very substantial gift to a stranger in need. I later found out that person had not been a good steward of the gift.
    While it’s easy to be upset, I was reminded that I’m not always a good steward of the gifts that the Lord gives me either. I gave the gift because I was directed to do so, and it was done in the Lord’s name. Everything else is up to Him 🙂