Gripped By Perfectionism

Teresa, 5m4m contributor shares her insights on perfectionism and how it can become a major stronghold in your life. The book, Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist is the perfect tool you need to finally break free from that lie. We were compensated to write this post and sent a copy of the book to review, however all opinions remain our own.

Per·fec·tion·ism, noun. “A fault, often disguised as a good quality, that ends up leaving the bearer disappointed with oneself for not having acted ‘perfectly’ in a given situation.”

I realized at a young age that I might have a bit of a problem with things being ‘just so’. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was perfect. Literally, I woke up and promptly made my bed, perfectly. I walked into my closet where all my clothes and shoes were lined up and organized, perfectly. My makeup and polishes and toiletries were lined up perfectly on my dressing table {and oh how my little brothers loved to come into my room and knock those bottles of nail polish over}.

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