Tag Archive: Forgiveness

It’s Okay to be Bad

We’re all sinners. No one is all good. Not one. When God looks down from heaven, He sees us all the same. Prostitute, deacon, drug dealer, preacher.

We’re all sinners.

Though there are many people who do not serve God and who still do good, the difference is the standard or the measurement we use to determine good.

In Dwight Edwards devotional, Experiencing Christ With, he explains:

“We can easily slip into a ‘street level’ view of goodness. It’s like walking down a city street sidewalk and comparing the heights of those you pass by. A few people happen to be well over six feet tall and really stand out from the crowd.

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Forgive – A Hard Word

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Does this verse give you a little knot in the pit of your stomach? I am always so grateful for God’s amazing grace, for His overwhelming love, and for mercy given in undeserved forgiveness. I only wish I found it easier to extend the same mercy, grace, and love to others.

Do you struggle with memories of offenses that have hurt you? Words that betrayed? Cruel comments that left you with a broken heart? Do you feel justified when you replay those memories again and again?

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