Tag Archive: Busy

He’s Here All Summer

Summer. It’s popsicles, pool parties, sunscreen, watermelon, late nights, and sleepovers. It’s air conditioning, family reunions, camping trips, and water balloon fights. It’s Vacation Bible School. It’s swimming lessons. It’s fireworks. It’s ice cream.

It seems like it comes and goes in a blink, as we’re carried from packing to unpacking to laundry to the pool to a friend’s house and back again. Summer is a hummingbird, darting from flower to flower, wings a-buzzing, never stopping.

It’s the fast season — where plants grow and flowers bloom, water rushes off melting glaciers and insects fill the skies. All nature moves quicker with this season of warmth and prosperity.

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Who’s With Me – I’m Going to Jingle

Okay so I’m not literally going to jingle.

Have you ever noticed the expression on a three year old’s face when they sing Jingle Bells complete with jingling percussive accompaniment? Priceless smiles and joy-filled enthusiasm!

Now I know you have looked at your calendar and realized that Christmas is l just a couple of days away. There is a lump in your throat and a feeling of panic beginning to settle over you. Relax! I’m here to share a secret I wish I had learned years ago. You may or may not believe me, it all depends upon how you are wired.

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Multi-Taskers Anonymous

Hi. My name is Melissa and I need to find a multi-taskers anonymous group.

{insert awkward chuckle here}

For years I have thought it was some sort of great gift to be able to do lots of different things at the same time. Like it was some sort of super power or something, but it’s not.

I’m not sure if it is from our go, do, right this minute, super-hyper, go, go, go culture or just something that I’ve developed over the years, but in the last couple of months I’ve been hit with the harsh reality that this may not be a good thing.

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Pull Over and Stop

Are visions of sirens and lights flashing in your mind right now?

Do you feel that uneasiness that comes along with the moment you realize you were speeding?

The officer walks up to the car, asks for your license and registration while you sweat it out trying to figure out what you can say to this person so that they will let you go with just a warning.




No, scratch that, breathe again.

At this point you are probably already praying like crazy too, right?

Yet each of us speed through our lives rushing from this to that to another that each and every day without taking any time to pull over and stop.

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Somebody Stop This Ride! I Wanna Get Off!

Busy. Irritated. Frustrated. That’s how I feel. This month has been screaming by. So much going on, so little time. I feel like I’m on one of those nauseating carnival rides. And not the one you love to ride over and over again. The ride I’m on makes you sick to your stomach. The one you swear you’ll never ride again.

I desire for my children to have a wonderful life. I really do. What parent doesn’t want that for their little ones? From playdates with friends, to birthday party invites and the demands of school and home. Yes, all are very good things.

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