Moved with Compassion

I struggled with knowing what to write here. I shuffled back and forth from what I thought you might want to read, and what is pressing on my heart to share. I chose the latter.

God has been doing a work deep in my heart, and I know it has to do with true compassion. Something, I still know so little about.

“I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it.” — Thomas Aquinas

Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him.” (Mark 1:41 NASB)

In order to be the hands and feet of Jesus, our hearts must beat in rhythm with His. When we get close enough to hear God’s heart, we are comforted by His love for us, yet moved with compassion by His love for them–for the lost, the burdened, the weak, the weary, the hungry, the sick, the brokenhearted.

Tonight my heart is moved for Mary DeMuth. At the same time Mary was returning from her mission’s trip to Haiti, her daughter Julia was being taken to the hospital. Julia is still in the hospital, in pain, minus a diagnoses. As I read Mary’s updates, I felt strongly that God wanted me to share.

From her blog post found here, came these words:

Tonight my sweet, dear daughter was hurting so bad. I hadn’t felt well for a day or so, but felt like I could power through. But when I felt sicker and sicker, and she realized it, we both started crying in her bed.

She turned on praise music. “Why is he trying to steal, kill, and destroy?” she asked, her voice small.

I don’t know. I don’t know,” I said through tears.

I don’t know either, but I do know Jesus meant it when He said,  “I have come to give life and life more abundant.” (John 10:10 NASB)

And even as I am sitting here bewildered and sorrowful by what is currently happening in the DeMuth’s family’s life, I am amazed by what I read in Mary’s newest book, Everything, being officially released within minutes of me writing this post,

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT) He is our future, our hope. He is the place we go when this heavy world presses in. He enables us to grasp that elusive resilience. He doesn’t remove us from pain. He uses the pain on our lives to discipline us, to make us ready to love Him more and bring more folks to His footstool.

And bring us to His footstool, I will add.

Photo of Julia from

I know that the enemy of our souls is not passive about a book that declares unabashedly that Jesus should is our Everything, but I know even more surely that God’s plan cannot be thwarted. “As Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all to Himself.” (John 12:32 NIV)

I have to believe “God is able to make all things work together for the good of those who love Him.” (Romans 8:28) This I pray for Mary and her baby girl. Will you pray for her, too, that a diagnosis and healing will come quickly?

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18 NASB)

To find where God is, is to find the broken. And we do not ever have to look far.



4 Responses to Moved with Compassion
  1. Rosann
    October 16, 2012 | 7:13 am

    I’m so glad you wrote about this here. I truly believe there’s power in prayer and I’ve also been following Mary’s updates. I cannot even imagine the feeling of unsettle in her heart these past few days. It makes me a little nauseous thinking about the unknowns and how it could just as easily be me going through it with my daughter. My heart breaks for their family. I wish I could do something. All I can do is pray. And that – that is everything as far as Jesus is concerned.

  2. Mary DeMuth (
    October 17, 2012 | 6:33 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this request with many. I’m humbled by so many prayers. Julia is blessedly HOME with us today. Good news. And she seems to be improving. Headache is STILL there, but at least she is home.

    • Barbie
      October 17, 2012 | 9:49 pm

      So thankful to hear Julia is home. Contending for complete healing!

  3. Debbie
    October 19, 2012 | 1:33 pm

    Thank you for your message and I said a prayer for Mary and her daughter-how wonderful of you to have her on your heart and share it with the rest of us. God Bless!