Are You Satisfied?

What do you look to for satisfaction?

What do you spend your time thinking about, wanting, or striving after?

Is it money?




Or is it something else?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all live our lives fully satisfied? Never wanting? Never feeling like we don’t have enough? Never feeling like we don’t do enough? Never feeling like we aren’t enough?

The song “These Hands” by Tenth Avenue North, asks the question:

Why are you still searching as if I’m not enough?

And isn’t that what we so often do? Look for our satisfaction in a variety of things other than God?

Psalms 90:14 reminds us that God is enough

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”

It can be easy to get distracted or caught up in wanting things that don’t matter. It can be easy to forget to look to God for contentment and fulfillment. But that verse in Psalms reminds us that His love can truly satisfy. Not for just a weekend or once a year. It can satisfy us all our days.

The verse doesn’t say we’ll never encounter tough times, though. It doesn’t say everything will always be “peachy”. But the gladness and rejoicing it talks about is a deep-down gladness that comes from having God in your life. And His “steadfast love” really does satisfy.

God knows our longings. He yearns to fill the holes in our lives. So if you’re in a place right now where you’ve been forgetting to look to God for your satisfaction, remember that He’s right there by your side. As the song “These Hands” says in a later verse;

I’ll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don’t fight
These hands that are holding you

So let Him hold you.

Let Him fill you up.

Let Him satisfy.

5 Responses to Are You Satisfied?
  1. IE Mommy - Christine
    February 6, 2009 | 12:36 pm

    I am finding so much encouragement in your site and am so thankful for it. I love this blog! When I spend time with the Lord…it is exactly as you described…being filled up. I become almost giddy when I get the opportunity to sit at His feet and learn His word. I am not a “mary” by any stretch of the imagination. Marth and I would have been twins had I been her sister rather then Mary so when I remember to “be still and know that He is God”…only one word can sum it up…WOW!

  2. Allison
    February 7, 2009 | 12:03 am

    Love your blog. This is not the first post that has spoken to me this week…or even just today.

    It’s been a VERY trying week for me this week. Earlier this week, some family medical history sorta crept up and slapped me in the form of a febrile seizure for my son. But, I am awed, humbled and excited to say I knew through it ALL that He was by my side. The first thing I did was pray for Him to take care of my son while his little body shook. Then, in a quiet moment at the hospital (it was his first, and hopefully only…not common to happen after 3 years old, but that has it’s good points too), while alone in the er at his bedside, I paused to speak to God, to thank Him for His presence…and no words came. Because I was filled with such peace! Because He KNEW! 🙂 And I reminded my daughter (12, almost 13 and such a STRONG belief of her own—she alone sometimes inspires me!) that He was there. Even just this evening, again while putting my little one to bed, I prayed and was filled with SUCH PEACE. Because I knew and could feel Him along with me every step of the way! This is a week I KNOW praying without ceasing 😀

    So, this week…I am TOTALLY satisfied with His Presence! I only hope I can carry this on…forever 😀

  3. Paul Sarcia
    February 7, 2009 | 11:37 am

    That’s a very interesting post. “Are You Satisfied?” seems to be the hardest question for me to answer. Thank you for this post, you have given me a new perspective regarding this topic.

  4. […] It’s been a week now. I had a really good good cry last night as I stood in the shower. I just let it all out…I called out to God. Not to make it better. Not to do anything but be there. Know I’m scared and worried, and I can’t get out of it. All I want, now, forever, is to be in His light. There’s been peace this last week. I’ve known such peace as I’ve never known before in my life. As I was sitting at P’s bedside last week, I stopped to pray. No words came, but that’s because I knew He was there. Friday night, as I was holding P’s hand as I put him to bed, I prayed. I handed my babies back over to Him, and I said I know He’ll take care of them. And again, I felt such peace, because again I knew He was there. I shared it over on Faith Lifts, with Genny, who had asked if we were satisfied in God. […]

  5. Laura
    February 10, 2009 | 5:24 pm

    Genny – I’m not married, nor am I dating but I found encouragement from your blog. Thank you. My mother is actually a guest writer for this site. I just wanted to say that I really liked your blog. This is one area of my life I’m really struggling with right now – finding satisfaction in Christ and not things. It’s so easy in today’s society to get wrapped up in all the materialism – the latest fashion, all the new t.v. shows, etc but we really need to put our focus on Christ. Thank you for your blog. I struggle with this daily but I pray that we will all realize that Christ is more than enough for all of us. I think of that song by BarlowGirl – Enough, great song and it talks about Jesus being our only satisfaction. Thanks again!