“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.†Psalm 23:1
It’s one of the most well-known verses in the Bible. But how often do we stop and think about the truth in it? How often do we look to other things in life to satisfy our wants?
Especially with holidays upon us, and the advertisements and store sales that are already going on, it can be easy to get caught up in the mode of wanting…
Wanting the new watch, the new shoes, the new furniture, the new TV…
It can be easy to get focused on all the things we wish we had, rather than being thankful for what we already have.
Wouldn’t it be great, though, especially with financial difficulties touching so many lives right now, if we all took time to soak in that verse in Psalm 23? If we all remembered that, the only thing we really need in our lives is God’s love?
We can get new things, and that may make us happy for a while, but it’s not a happiness that lasts. Before we know it, we’re left wanting again.
Yet, when we focus on God, and all the gifts He freely gives—love, peace, wholeness, wisdom, strength, healing, courage, endurance, patience…(the list goes on and on)—somehow our “wants†are put into perspective, and we’re able to see that there are so many things in life that are more important than buying, and getting.
With Christmas just around the corner, may we all…
Appreciate what we have, instead of wanting more,
Choose to give instead of receive,
And make it a point to serve others instead of expecting to be served.
May we all focus on the blessings we’ve been given and the true meaning of Christmas.
And if we do these things, taking the time to focus on God’s priorities, and asking Him to love others through us, we’ll experience a contentment that can’t be found anywhere else.
A contentment that more than fulfills all our wants.
Genny this is such a timely message. My family has been pressuring me for a “wish list” for Christmas. Of course there are things that I want, but do I need them? No.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in shopping and trying to find the perfect gift, when what we really need to focus on is the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
Thanks for the reminder.
Sooo true. Only when we learn contentment in everyday living withour everyday “stuff”, will the advirtisements not even phase us.
The thing I struggle with is when money is tight, and though we are content, people are very kind as to buy our children gifts for Christmas. However, sometimes we just cannot afford to return the favor. 🙁 It’s such an awful. awkward feeling. How can we bless others? How can we be creative in our giving? Ok, now I’m thinking outloud, lol. THank you for this.
Very true Genny. And it can creep in subtly too. Earlier this week I dyed my hair…it turned out terribly and I then concocted a list of expensive needs….for hair! Yes contentment…we so need it in this country…I need it too
Oh Genny, I’m so glad I found you here! This is a great post and so timely.
Trust all is going well with you. Think about you often and miss you, but know you are following the Lord. As you listen to His voice I pray He is continuing to write through you as your story unfolds.