The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 (NIV)
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)
As I entered the guest room of my mother-in-law’s house, the sight I beheld took my breath and made my heart ache. There on the wall was a huge multicolored swirl of art only a three year old, too quiet and not checked on could create. Mr. Clean’s magic eraser wouldn’t stand a chance.
I knew it was the work of my daughter but called her in for questioning. “Did you do this?” I asked. “Yes Mommy, but I didn’t mean to. I was playing and I wanted to draw, but I couldn’t find any paper.” My mother-in-law quickly came to her defense insisting it would come off. I informed her it would not come off, it was permanent marker, to which she replied, “Well we’ll cover it with paint and it’ll be just like new.”
I considered how often, just like my daughter playing, I get carried away and end up doing something I don’t mean to do. My sin feels like permanent marker upon my heart and soul. But when I confess it, Jesus is always there ready to come to my defense. He covers it with His blood and makes my heart just like new.
Is there something in your life you feel has made a permanent mark that can’t be erased? Tell it to your Heavenly Father. Jesus will come to your defense to cover any and all sin. You will come away marker and sin free.
Lord, even though you know my sins, I must still confess them to you. Please help me to admit them and trust that the blood of Christ has covered them making me just like new.
Fabulous analogy that SO many need to hear. And one that can be remembered as though it were written in permanent marker on the wall of the brain. I know it will be there when I’m consumed with guilt over something I’ve done. Thank you.
Isn’t it like a grandmother to come to the rescue of her beloved grandchild, just like Christ runs to our rescue! I pictured it all so vividly!
Praise the Lord that he does cover all and we mustn’t let the enemy try to uncover it and bring it back to mind!
I’m so thankful for the Jesus painting my walls with his life cleansing blood. Thanks for this!
That is such a wonderful analogy. Thank you!
Oh I needed this! So many times Satan tries to tell us that nothing can clean up the mess we have made in our lives, but only Jesus can be our “magic” erasers! Thank you so much for sharing this.
Beautiful! You know, doing night time devotions with my youngest was instrumental in teaching me to keep a “short list”. Jason would ALWAYS pray that God would forgive and make him clean from the sin of that day. The Holy Spirit gently convicted me that Grace was a wonderful thing, but it must be UTILIZED and not taken for granted.
We learn so much from children!
Thank you for the great reminder!
BTW, I am here by way Melissa Mashburm @ Mel’s World. Glad to know of you!
I loved this post! God bless you for sharing it. It was a much needed reminder.
1 John 3:19 Here is how we will know that we are from the truth and will set our hearts at rest in his presence:
20 if our hearts know something against us, God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
I love this verse & gain much comfort…if our hearts ‘condemn’ us (some translations say); GOD IS GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS…
blessed reminder…thanks
I am just so glad He doesn’t ever tire of “painting” over my walls! This is a beautiful post, Amy! Thank you! No matter how long we walk with Him, we always need to be reminded of how His blood washes us COMPLETELY, no matter how permanent the marker may seem. I loved this!
Oh this is rich! Excellent words and analogy here. Thank You Lord!