Keep in step with the Spirit.
God’s timing is not our timing.
We push and rush, but His timing is best.
Keep walking.
Keep pressing.
Keep seeking more of God with every step.
Let’s keep in step with the Spirit rather than race ahead,
pushing to become what we THINK we should be.
All that we seek can only be done by Spirit.
Let’s cultivate faithfulness with every step.
Don’t give up and don’t give in.
Trying so hard to make ourselves, we measure progress in this place of becoming.
Eyes fixed on what we lack, preparation and practice can feel like failure rather than progress.
We tally the marks and take too much account of the words and responses of others.
Press on and resist discouragement through the power of this Christ.
Faith understands that challenges and trials, gaps and process, work and distance provide resistance to build strength and character.
Yes, today and everyday,
Transformation keeps coming.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
Cultivate faithfulness with every step…I love that idea, Ginger. So often, I expect my faith and trust in Him to grow by leaps and bounds. I’m always disappointed in myself. This reminds me that I can move forward step by step.