Tag Archive: Identity

Dare to Believe You are God’s Masterpiece

Do you like me? Am I valuable? Am I beautiful?

Psalm 139:13-14

Have you struggled with any of these  questions? The desire to know that we’re loved, valuable, secure, and accepted is  part of being human. These are the questions that our hearts ask when we are depending on ourselves to feel beautiful and whole.

What’s underneath this need to know that we have what it takes? Have you tried to build an identity on what you can accomplish or what you look like? The longing to prove we are adequate, valuable,and loved lurks beneath the surface of all our trying. You may think you’re the only one who feels this way, but we all feel this way at times.

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We Are Not Defined By Our Mistakes

PHOT0014.JPGIn a recent conversation in the office, we were laughing that no matter how many times we proof a document, it seems a typo or error will be found just after the e-mail has been sent or 1,000 copies have been printed.

“I always wonder what mistake I’ll be remembered for,” someone remarked. Light-heartedly, I said, “We are not defined by our mistakes.”

But, as I walked away I kept thinking about it. Isn’t that something we all need to be reminded of?

We are not defined by our mistakes.

Yes, some can be real doozies, and some mistakes are remembered for quite a while.

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