Tag Archive: Psalm 139

It Feels Like Freedom

I have my Bible, my journal and a bottle of water. I step into the pitch-black sanctuary and stand still for a few seconds waiting for my eyes to adjust. I am alone in the spacious room and as the door closes quietly behind me, I take a deep breath and let my shoulders fall and relax.

Sometimes I find a seat near the back. Other times I walk through the darkness and sit cross-legged on the floor right in front of the church platform. The darkness envelopes me and I tell myself to leave all concerns and worries outside. I remind myself that this is my special moment to be alone with my God and not to clutter it up with problems, at least not just yet.

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God’s Masterpiece

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What is a Masterpiece?

If you had to name some masterpieces, what would they be? Perhaps you’d name a classic novel like Lord of the Rings by Tolkein or Moby Dick by Melville. Maybe you’d cite a great sculpture like The Pieta by Michelangelo or a painting such as the Mona Lisa by da Vinci. Or perhaps you’d focus on a great piece of music by Beethoven or Bach.

Now think about why you picked what you did. In other words, what do you think makes a masterpiece a masterpiece? The Bing Dictionary says a masterpiece is a “great artistic work,” an “artist’s best work,” and that it earns recognition.

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God is Everywhere

I struggle to see God but I believe He is here.

I believe He is everywhere and daily I search for Him. Daily I pray for Him to reveal Himself to me, to show me His presence, and remind me of His love for me.

Today, I want to encourage you with something that I believe He spoke into my heart one morning while studying my children’s new grammar for their upcoming school year. I won’t go into details but that morning I read in two different places of how God was in the details of our life. When I read them, I just stopped and smiled.

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