Tag Archive: Jesus

Life in His Word

Isaiah 40.31 eagle

I recently had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of Jennifer Hand’s 31 Days to Coming Alive. Written as a daily devotional, her words captured my attention, and really got me thinking…and going deeper.

God could have made one common animal, but Genesis describes how He made varieties of animals, plants, ecosystems, environments, even the land and the sea. The powerful part of God? He spoke all of creation into being with His words. Jennifer Hand, 31 Days to Coming Alive (bold mine)

I couldn’t help but stop here and ponder. God spoke all of creation into being—with His words.

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Something New Has Begun

Something New Has Begun 5MfF 12.12.13 pic

Advent is the season of waiting expectantly and preparing our hearts for the arrival of Baby Jesus. We reflect on the miraculous conception, the birth in lowest of conditions, and the fulfillment of the prophecy…

…the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’). Isaiah 7:14 (NLT)

We rejoice on Christmas morning—Christ is born!

And then…Christmas is over. Or at least that’s how it feels. We put the Christmas decorations away and go back to our busy lives as usual.

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God Will Make a Way

God will make a way
Last month, here on 5 Minutes for Faith, I wrote about the day God stopped me in my tracks. He reminded me that no matter what I think I know, only He knows the full and complete picture of His plans.

That same day, although I don’t remember what I was reading at the time, this verse was put in front of me.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

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How the Gifts of the Magi Simplified Our Christmas

Several years ago, I was inspired by my friend Mel,
@  Psycho with 6, to change our families gift giving traditions dramatically.

What?! Really?!

How do you get a family to change 20+ years of tradition without a major meltdown?

It was actually quite easy. Our children were grown and our grandchildren were young; so, it seemed like a perfect time for change. Now in its fourth year, this meaningful way of gifting has been embraced with even greater enthusiasm.

The Magi gave the Christ child gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each represented a significant part of Jesus life and ministry:

  • Gold – a gift given to royalty.

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Introducing – Christmas Traditions from Our Home, to Yours

Do you begin listening to Christmas music on a specific day each year?
Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Do you enjoy a real or artificial tree? With multi-color or white lights?
Do you chart the season with an Advent calendar or wreath?

So much of our celebrating of Christmas is wrapped up with the ribbon of traditions. They become a part of us. Some we cherish. Others we laugh at. Some we take into marriage. Others we leave behind.

One thing is certain . . . traditions are an important part of Christmas. It’s never too late to add a new ritual, because traditions are our memory makers.

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The Day I Lost My Engagement Ring

It was Valentine’s Day weekend of my Junior year. The lanky basketball player, future preacher to whom I had given my heart dropped to one knee and officially asked me to spend my life by his side. Of course I said, “Yes.” And he slid the ring we had chosen together onto my left hand.

Fast forward a few days . . .

Back on my own campus I had hurried from class to my weekly ironing job. I walked a little more lightly that winter afternoon in Chicago as I began dreaming of wedding plans and married life.

Ironing board in place.

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Exposed and Real

My grandmother used to call it “putting on” her face.


Concealer, foundation, blush, shadow, eye liner, mascara, and lip gloss.

I refuse to leave the house without makeup. I’ve even been known to go into surgery wearing a little bit of mascara. I know we’re supposed to go under the knife sans products, but I just feel so naked without lashes and lip gloss.

Do you feel exposed and vulnerable without concealer and color?

Standing in front of the mirror the other morning, I realized I have lots of flaws and imperfections that I try to cover up and hide .

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Our son and grandson visited for a few days last month. We were thrilled to see the progress our little miracle man is making, and marveled at how God has taken a 1 lb. 9 oz. preemie and grown him into a four year old mischief maker. GLORY!

One of our favorite things from the visit was learning what JJ calls his daddy. He has names for all of the special people in his life. Momma, Nana, Granddaddy, Gram, and Rev, but when it comes to his daddy . . . he simply calls him, “mine.”


There is nothing more precious or personal than being called “mine.”

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