Craving More Energy

I am pretty much one of those people whose energy levels stay depleted. I run on fumes about 85% of the times, and the other 15% I spend doing my best trying to just stay afloat when I am awake. I haven’t always been this way, and I thought for some time that I might just be sick or something. It wasn’t until I readIf You Have a Craving, I Have a Cureby Sheri Rose Shepherd that I realized my energy levels were like they were because I was not taking care of myself in a Godly way.

Sheri shares throughout this book, some very thought provoking things, but this chapter on energy is the one that really struck a chord with me and made me stop and think about what I am doing to my body.

  • I never get enough sleep
  • I don’t eat right
  • I don’t drink enough water
  • I live off of caffeine

None of these things are God honoring. How can you be an effective Christian if you are constantly run down? The answer is — you can’t. It took this chapter to really make me take a hard look at myself. In fact, the one sentence that stuck out at me above all the other words was this:

God has not called us to burn ourselves out; in fact, one of the things I have learned in my life is that if the devil  can’t make us bad, his next trick is to make us busy so he can burn us out.

Honestly, it’s high time that we stop allowing the devil to make us so busy that we are not effective at all for God and His kingdom. Sheri offers some tips in this chapter that can help us stop the flow of busyness and also help us to have more energy. She says we should

~ Exercise

~Hydrate your body and your soul

~Eliminate excess in your life

~Eat foods that will give you energy

So what could you do? Today, I challenge you to take stock of what all you have going on in your life. Pray about it and then delete those things that are draining your strength and energy. Not only will it make you a more effective Christian, but you will also feel better and really start to come alive.


To Find Out More about If You Have a Craving I Have a Cure

Life can be hard . . . but food, faith, and fun are three amazing gifts from God to satisfy and refresh us every day. Yet all too often, we focus primarily on what we can not do, and what we should not eat—which leaves us feeling deprived and depressed. Instead of being energized by following Christ, we waste our days feeling bored and burnt-out on our faith, while battling the guilt that comes from craving the food that we love. In If You Have a Craving, I Have a Cure, best-selling author and speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd encourages you to embark on a new adventure with faith and food. She reveals the food coaching tips that enabled her to lose over 50 pounds and keep it off, and shares fun recipes in celebration of the healthy, delicious food our God created for us to enjoy. It’s time to let go of guilt, grab hold of grace, and recapture the life God craves for us to live! “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8)

Read the first Chapter here.

Purchase the book HERE

This post is part of a promotional campaign with Tyndale Publishers. All opinions listed are our own.

One Response to Craving More Energy
  1. Gail Gardner
    January 29, 2013 | 5:41 pm

    Great post and video. One of the greatest deceptions of Satan is people thinking they are saved who have never repented and put money above all things. Very few actually follow what Jesus taught and trust in God instead of focusing on “making a living”.

    Even worse is the conditioning to make competition such a huge part of life. Each of us who accepts Jesus has a calling to bear more fruit – to use the life we have lead to shine a light for others in that life.