The Day I Lost My Engagement Ring

It was Valentine’s Day weekend of my Junior year. The lanky basketball player, future preacher to whom I had given my heart dropped to one knee and officially asked me to spend my life by his side. Of course I said, “Yes.” And he slid the ring we had chosen together onto my left hand.

Fast forward a few days . . .

Back on my own campus I had hurried from class to my weekly ironing job. I walked a little more lightly that winter afternoon in Chicago as I began dreaming of wedding plans and married life.

Ironing board in place. Iron heated. Shirt pulled from the pile and as the iron began smoothing out wrinkles I realized my ring was gone.

My stomach turned. My heart sank. My thoughts swirled as I mentally began to retrace my steps. Not good enough. I couldn’t wait. I turned off the iron, asked my employer if I could commence a search and rescue, and left to look for the most precious gift I had ever received.

You and I were lost.

Jesus said, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Jesus came on a search and rescue mission for those who are lost. People like you and me. 

He has pity on the weak and poor; He saves the lives of those in need. He rescues them from oppression and violence; their lives are precious to Him. Psalm 72:13-14

We are precious to Him. So precious that He left the glory of heaven to save us. 

My steps were no longer light as I walked toward my dorm staring at the frozen ground and praying that I might see reflected light in a diamond’s sparkle. I was chilled and more than a little discouraged by the time I reached my room.

Replaying the moments after class, I remembered I had hurriedly changed my clothes. Socks! I quickly opened my sock drawer and began pulling out one pair after another. I believe the entire campus heard my exuberant exclamations when I found my precious band.

You and I have been found.

Jesus told stories of a lost coin, a lost sheep, and a lost son and of the great celebrations which followed each recovery. Look at what Jesus says about us:

 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.” Luke 15:10

Following my personal celebration, I rejoiced with anyone who would listen. I’ve told this event countless times. Who doesn’t love a good engagement/love story?

You and I are called to tell our love story.

For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved from the punishment of sin. But how can they call on Him if they have not put their trust in Him? And how can they put their trust in Him if they have not heard of Him? And how can they hear of Him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:13-14

We each have a personal love story of how the Lord searched for and rescued us. Your story is as uniquely beautiful as you are. Celebrate it. Share it. Let it sparkle. Invite everyone who will listen, and pray for them to have their own beautiful love story to celebrate and share.

Photo Credit 

One Response to The Day I Lost My Engagement Ring
  1. Alane Jewel
    November 2, 2012 | 10:19 am

    beautiful story, so happy you found your ring in the sock drawer of all places! if i lost my heart ring id be a mess, we decided on this shape through BE after months of searching, what better way to represent whats in our heart: