Blind man’s bluff

Did you play the kids’ game “Blind Man’s Bluff?” One person would be blindfolded or close their eyes while another called out instructions to go through an obstacle course of sorts. It could be a simple journey around the front yard, or it could be a maze of the kids’ creation. It took trust to be the blindfolded one; kids don’t always play fair. The good-hearted ones would give sincere instructions, but there was always that kid who’d rather get a laugh by leading the one who trusted them right into the obstacles. Seeing it happen—even to someone else, made it harder to trust the one leading.

In one of those conundrums of scripture, we’re told,

“We walk by faith and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

This has taken on new meaning to me as my dad gradually loses sight in his ‘good’ eye to macular degeneration. He has no depth perception, so even light and shadow create hazards for him that may not be there. He can maneuver at his job and home because he knows his way around, he doesn’t have to see it. When he’s in unfamiliar surroundings though, it’s awkward and uncomfortable and potentially hazardous for him. But when he follows my moms’ voice he can be sure of his steps.

My spiritual life feels like this at times. Now, even.

I’m trying to follow the voice I trust, and the territory is somewhat familiar, but I really just want to be able to open my eyes and look ahead and see where things are going. Instead, it’s like walking in the dark. Taking tentative footsteps, knowing I’m heading the right direction. I can’t see where my foot will fall next, I keep moving forward because I’ve been on this path before and know I can I trust the voice leading me.

I do know that. Somewhere between my head and my heart, that truth lives. And yet, closer to the surface, my eyes and my ears and my sense of logic and justice keep scanning the horizon for evidence of it. The superficial-me fights with the spiritual-me and when times are uncertain the superficial me can get really loud, telling me to stop walking until I can see what’s coming next.

But the spiritual me hangs in there; knowing that God is in control that He’s looking out for me, that He will guide me safely even when I can’t see where I’m going.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

One Response to Blind man’s bluff
  1. Gina
    October 3, 2009 | 10:56 am

    Well said!