Etching Truth

I find myself yelling at my girl-child far too often. And so, the only way I can combat this rising tide, the only way I know to stop a raging tongue and troubled spirit, is Truth. With a capital T.

So I’m going through the Proverbs and I am writing out every verse, every word on patience, on anger, on a wayward tongue.

And wouldn’t you know, before my eyes crawl over any of the above, I am pierced by Proverbs 3:3 … “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

And my heart sighs yes. Yes. Because Truth is what will bind my tongue and teach me to parent my daughter well. Truth will bear me up in moments of excruciating fear. Truth gets me up off the floor when I am overwhelmed by the danger my Soldier Husband faces. Truth is the daily reminder that I am not alone, that we are not abandoned in the valleys.

And in the moments when we have nothing left, it wells up from the dark spaces, flooding Light into the crevices of our weary and worn-out souls.

So we have truth, printed out in small cards and haphazardly stuck to our microwave. And maybe it’s just one a week, or one a month, or sometimes one a season. But slowly and surely we are etching them on the tablets of our blood and beating heart.


{May I make two suggestions … neither of which I am affiliated with, or sponsored by … I just use them and love them … The Jesus Project (from Ann Voskamp) is the scripture memory tool we are using – verses printed, cut out, and hung in the kitchen. Our other memorization tool of choice, for the moment, is the New Catechism app for iPad and iPhone, which provides doctrine-related questions, the accompanying scripture for memorization, SONGS, and the answers for both children and adults to memorize. We love it.} 

So tell me, What are some the ways you are etching Truth?


2 Responses to Etching Truth
  1. Kari Scare
    March 10, 2014 | 6:11 am

    The only way I know to “etch truth” is by continually filling up with God’s truth. Reading Scripture, praying, meditating & worshipping all allow Truth to be etched in me, so I can live a life based on ultimate truth.

  2. Ginger Harrington
    March 13, 2014 | 6:46 pm

    Thanks for sharing this, Molly. I am blessed.